Where In The 
Bible Will I Find:

The Importance Of The 

By:  Gary Colley
Date:  January 30, 2000
Past/Future Articles

The golden thread of God's love and redemption for sinful man is found throughout the Bible.  The blood sacrifices of the Old Testament were typical of the blood Christ shed on the cross.  The command to Abraham to offer Isaac, the child of promise, typically expresses God's love and offering of His own Son (Genesis 22:1-19).  Jesus' blood ratified the New Covenant by which all can be redeemed (Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 5:8-9).  His blood was shed "for" (in order to) the remission if our sins (Acts 2:38, Acts 22:1).  The "preaching of the cross" is to many foolishness today, but it is still the only power of God for salvation (I Corinthians 1:18, Romans 1:16,
Mark 16:15-16).


We find the greatest of all paradoxes in the Cross of Christ!  "Paradox" means something seemingly self contradictory, but really founded on Truth. THE CROSS IS THE FOLLOWING.
  1.  The most tragic murder in the history of the world, YET the most wonderful event that ever
  2.  The saddest spectacle man ever beheld, YET out of it came the greatest joy!
  3.  Satan's greatest victory and Christ's most humiliating defeat, YET the most stunning defeat
       Satan ever suffered and the most glorious victory Christ ever won!
  4.  The greatest exhibition of divine justice in condemning sin, YET the most wonderful
       demonstration of divine mercy in pardoning sin.
  5.  God's greatest manifestation of hatred for sin, YET God's supreme proof of love for the
  6.  The means by which God's justice condemned sin, YET the exhibition of His mercy in
       forgiving sin!
  7.  The darkest hour in history, YET the time of greatest light to the world!
  8.  The greatest hatred of man for Christ, YET we see Christ's love for man!
  9.  The cross portrays man's sinfulness, YET God's holiness!
10.  Man's human weakness, YET God's Divine strength.
11.  Man's inability to save himself by his own plan, YET God's ability and power, by grace, to do
       this for obedient man!
12.  The cross from the human standpoint is foolishness, YET it is a revelation of the highest
       wisdom of God!